Monday, January 19, 2009

Podcast idea...hmmm.....

I know this really has nothing to do with our next least I don't think it does. But it was an idea and I wanted to share.

I had a thought this weekend about a way I can get technology into the hands of my students beyond the blog. Later on in this course, we will have to create a podcast. The recording part is the least of my concerns. It is the converting to MP3 and uploading I'm not so sure about. I'm sure I will learn more as I move through the class. But all our recent discussion about technology in the classroom and its importance got me thinking. How do I actually put it in the hands of my students? A podcast is what I came up with, for now.

I am going to have all my students create a podcast. Their assignment will be to research their favorite music artist. We just finished a similar assignment in choir, but my students were assigned a specific person to research. This time, they'll get to choose.

1. Research their artist.
2. Create a written report/speech that presents all the details
3. Record
4. Upload

Now all I have to figure out is how to get it uploaded to the internet and post it on my school blog.

I'm very excited about this. In reality, it has nothing to do with what we are studying next in music, but it gives my students a chance to share who they like and why and then share it with world via our blog.

What do you think?


Hey, maybe when I get smarter about Wikis, they could upload their written detail there...


Anonymous said...

Kerry, I think you and your students will enjoy podcasting. Once you have it set up and view the tutorials, it is easy as pie! You'll wonder why you hadn't done it sooner :) Good luck.Let me know if I can be of any help. Good luck.

April Thompson said...

I like this idea immensely! If you have any tips about converting the files as we go through the course, let me know. I'm nervous about that part too! But I'm sure you'll have no problem. Just ask the kids, they might be most helpful!