I found it very interesting that the resource Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, Malenoski, 2007) gave multiple examples of behaviorist learning strategies to boost effort in students and to help with homework and practice and these strategies were all technology based. This once again confirms for me that behaviorist learning theories are still practiced in schools today.
In the chapter dedicated to reinforcing effort there was an example of Ms. Powel’s 5th grade class using a spreadsheet in Excel to track their level of effort in everything from note taking skills to study skills. (Pitler, et al, 2007) Students followed an internet generated rubric and input their scores on the Excel spreadsheet. With this data, “…student can clearly see the relation between their effort and grades they earned on their tests.” (Pitler, et al, 2007) I believe this type of data tracking is a form of behavior modification or “…eliciting better classroom performance,” (Standridge, 2002) but a form of modification for everyone. The high achievers receive positive reinforcement for doing well, and low achievers, hopefully, as suggested by the book, see that effort will be rewarded with better grades.
As for homework and practice, all educators know that it is difficult to find ways to make these two things have value. In today’s technology rich environment outside our schools, students have access to more academic assistance in their own home than ever before. “Technology facilitates homework and practice by providing a wealth of resources for learning outside of the classroom…” (Pitler, et al, 2007) Through simple research engines built into Microsoft Word to online homework practice such as www.brainpop.com, students can use technology to assist them in their learning. (Pitler, et al, 2007) Again, students’ using technology this way is in line with behaviorist learning theories. Students get immediate feedback for their effort and behavior changes.
Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works provides a wealth of technology and web resources that fall in line with many behaviorist learning strategies.
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Standridge, M.. (2002). Behaviorism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved May 12, 2009, from http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/
Hello Kerry, I am one of the co-authors of the Using Tech w/CITW book. I am glad you found it useful. More resources for the strategies in the book can be found at http://delicious.com/mattscottkuhn/bundle:CITW.
Matt Kuhn
It's true that students have access to all kinds of technology at home to help them with their work, but the question remains, are they intrinsically motivated to use it to better themselves and help them succeed in the classroom. Something we will struggle with in the future is getting students to be motivated enough to use the Internet to help themselves without it being forced upon them.
Kerry - I just wanted to say thank you for your post this week. The comment it generated from one of the co-authors of our textbook provided another valuable resource on technology in the classroom. Thanks again!
I have found this year that sometimes just giving them permission to actually use the internet is motivation enough. Okay, not for everyone, but for many. Several times over the course of the year I asked my students to bring me whatever information they could find about a particular topic. An example is why do so many lullabies have such sad or scary lyrics. One of my students came back with an article written in a newspaper in India with a very good explanation. Each time I gave my students freedom to use technology on their own, I always had someone step up. Were they always the smart, go-getters? No. Yet the best part, they often found more information than I did. So I think the more opportunities we give our students, they will learn that it is okay to use technology to learn and maybe even do it on their own fruition.
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